result count: 9

EM_420038_1The characters on this pillar have been copied.
EM_420038_2You lack rubbing tools.
EM_420038_3You have completed the task, using up the last of the rubbing material in the process.
Sys420038_nameRelic of the Ancient Kingdoms
Sys420038_shortnoteHelp Pazac make a rubbing of the stone tablet in Tagena, and then take the rubbing to Auskor Fal for interpreting.
Sys420038_szquest_accept_detailCan you do me a favor?\nAs so much old information has been destroyed, [110186|Auskor Fal] and I have come here to obtain some information on the stone tablets of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena]. But ancient guardians are everywhere here. I would be very grateful if you could finish a task for me. \n\nFirst of all, you will need to find [110187|Henolid's Stone Tablet], [110188|Tador's Stone Tablet], [110189|Aguar's Stone Tablet] and [110190|Kibensty's Stone Tablet], which are scattered among the ruins of Tagena. Then rub the inscriptions engraved on them, and give the copies to [110186|Auskor Fal] to translate. \n\nJust give me the four translations once you have them. Thank you very much! Now, I still have something to discuss with [110186|Auskor Fal].
Sys420038_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! Well done!\nDid you realize?\nYour assistance in this matter will help the Eye of Wisdom to preserve knowledge for all humankind.\nWhat a wonderful achievement it is!
Sys420038_szquest_descHelp [110185|Pazac] by going to [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena] and copying the inscriptions engraved on [110187|Henolid's Stone Tablet], [110188|Tador's Stone Tablet], [110189|Aguar's Stone Tablet], and [110190|Kibensty's Stone Tablet]. Give these rubbings to [110186|Auskor Fal], an expert on ancient writings, to translate. Then give the translations to [110185|Pazac].
Sys420038_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you give them to me, I will have to give them to the person standing right in front of me, who will then give them back to me. That would be very silly, wouldn't it?\n\nSo you just give the rubbings to [110186|Auskor Fal] here in front of me to translate, and then give me the translated versions.