result count: 6

Sys420039_nameThe Secret of the Ring
Sys420039_shortnoteThat old mage [110191|Musa] heard that a farmhand in [ZONE_DORIANS FARM|Dorian's Farm] discovered a magic diamond. He asked you to buy the diamond from the farmhand.
Sys420039_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, I recall [110075|Theron] mentioning you. Do you still remember the ring [110183|Derric] gave you?\n\n\n\nOur investigation showed that this ring has something to do with the Eye of Wisdom. The Eye of Wisdom has requested the Garrison to stop the investigation, but I think this matter goes far beyond them. Besides, [110183|Derric] sent back this ring at the cost of his own life. I will not let [110183|Derric] die in vain like that. \n\n\n\nThe Captain has already prepared a drawing of the ring. We can find someone else who may know more about it. He is a mage called [110191|Musa]; he lives in seclusion in the south of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena]. \n\n\n\nThe Eye of Wisdom cannot know that we are continuing this investigation. That is why I need your help.
Sys420039_szquest_complete_detailOh? This ring is the key? \n\nHaaa! Indeed, you can say it is the key indeed. No wonder [110184|Yarandor] isn't letting anyone else get involved in this.
Sys420039_szquest_descHelp [110745|Hork] deliver the [200008|Drawing of a Ring] to [110191|Musa], a mage living in seclusion in the south of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena].
Sys420039_szquest_uncomplete_detailI haven't been to town for a long time. I did not expect something like this would happen. \n\nOh yes, did you say there is a [200008|Drawing of a Ring]? Where is it?