result count: 6

Sys420043_shortnoteWhenever [110196|Wooky] falls asleep, monsters enter our reality from the dreamland. So he is now afraid to fall asleep, and hopes that you can help get rid of the monsters that appear.
Sys420043_szquest_accept_detailI... I haven't slept very well for months now...\nIt's because of a nightmare...\n\nBut the nightmare wasn't in my sleep, it was real!\nI know it is hard to understand. But it's true...\nThe monsters that should only appear in my dream appear in reality, every time I fall asleep. \n\nPlease fight the monsters when I am asleep. I want to know what on earth they are, and why they are here...
Sys420043_szquest_complete_detailThis [200037|Dreamland Crystal]...\nMaybe this is the key to understanding what those monsters are...
Sys420043_szquest_descAfter [110196|Wooky] falls asleep, defeat the monsters that appear from his dreams.
Sys420043_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou still don't have any theories? \nPlease help me...\nYou must try again!