result count: 6

Sys420074_nameThe Forsaken Abbey
Sys420074_shortnoteGo to the monk living quarters in the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] for [110199|Aymar] and search for records from the past.\n\nClick to summon the demons; only then can the items be obtained. Run SCRIPT.
Sys420074_szquest_accept_detailDo you know much about the [ZONE_DGN_FORLORN_MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey]?\n\nAs a priest, I feel a lot of regret that a place for offering sacrifices to the gods was abandoned and occupied by evil souls. I did some research into why the abbey was abandoned, but when I started looking in the dusty archives for information, I discovered something surprising. \n\nThere was no information regarding the [ZONE_DGN_FORLORN_MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey]. It looks like someone has destroyed or hidden it on purpose. The only thing I managed to discover was that the Eye of Wisdom is recorded as owning it in the land registry.\n\nI don't know why a Mage organization would own an abbey. But I know that it is very unorthodox.\n\nI need more source information, and the best way to obtain that would be to get it from the place itself. There are living quarters for monks underneath every abbey. There should be diaries which recorded the daily affairs of the abbey or other similar documents. Please help me find something like this.
Sys420074_szquest_complete_detailHum, luckily the documents in [ZONE_DGN_FORLORN_MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] have been preserved. \nI hope we can find some useful information among them.
Sys420074_szquest_descHelp [110199|Aymar], an ambassador of Holy City, and go to the cleric's living rooms under the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] to find [200077|Old Diary].
Sys420074_szquest_uncomplete_detailAlthough there are many people in Varanas who know about the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey], everyone says the reason why it was forsaken was that it had been occupied by the dead...\n\nBut no one knows why the dead occupy it. All I've heard is rumor and speculation. None of which made me happy.