result count: 6

SAY_420083I'm gonna take off! You take care now!
SC_420083_0Thank you, [$VAR1]. The traces of your heroic deeds will be remembered by the people of Logar, just as Logar's sacrifice will always be remembered.
Sys420083_nameReturn of the Hero
Sys420083_szquest_accept_detailOnce the skeleton tumbles out of the spider's body, the soul of Logar appears.\n\nIt seems that this may very well be the skeleton of the celebrated hero.\n\nPerhaps you should take [200191|Logar's Skeleton] to [110078|George], the mayor of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar], who has long sought to find the body of his long-lost brother. say these are the remains of Logar?\n\nI would not believe it, were it not for the fact that I can feel that the departed man who once bore these bones is connected to me through blood.\n\nTwelve long years after leaving us, he has finally returned! All this time, I've wanted him to see how far this town has come, the town we helped build together...\n\nOnce again, thank you! You have allowed our hero to return to the home he gave his life protecting.
Sys420083_szquest_descTake [200191|Logar's Skeleton] to [110078|George], mayor of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar].