result count: 5

Sys420093_nameStrange Request
Sys420093_szquest_accept_detail[110057|Gil] and I have known each other since we were very young. She is a kind-hearted girl, although she occasionally asks me to do some rather... unexpected things.\n\nThis morning, [110057|Gil] asked me to get some [<S>100146|Beetles] near the village and remove their [200202|Beetle Organs], though what she wants to do with that mess of insect glop is beyond me. Truth be told, this strange request bothers me a bit.\n\nStill, I'd be willing to do it, were it not for the fact that I must tend to these horses. As much as I never thought I would be saying such a thing, can you help me collect some beetle entrails?\n\nBeetles can be found to the west and north of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar].
Sys420093_szquest_complete_detailDid [110052|Dell] ask you to give these to me?\n\n\n\nGood! By the time I'm through with this, Dell will have plenty to smile about...
Sys420093_szquest_descGo to the west or north of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] and collect 10 [<S>200202|Beetle Organs] from [<S>100146|Beetles], and give them to [110057|Gil].
Sys420093_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>100146|Beetles] can be found to the west and north of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar]. Though they are not aggressive, their bite can be rather painful, so take care.