result count: 6

Sys420165_nameStop the Noise
Sys420165_shortnoteUse the Machinery Design Chart to destroy the odd machine.
Sys420165_szquest_accept_detailThat is great! This chart is very detailed. It shows the entire workings of the machine. \n\nIt looks like the protruding device on the side of the machine is the main switch. By destroying that, we should be able to keep the machine from being used again. But... this machine is really very odd. I'm worried it may be doing some kind of harm to the village...\n\nI will discuss this with the others, but I leave the task of destroying the machine to you! You will have our thanks.\n\nI have a bottle of [200696|Explosive Powder] which I traded for a few rabbits from a traveling merchant. Use this to destroy the [<S>110148|Large Mechanical Controller]!\n\nPlease hurry. I fear we do not have much time!
Sys420165_szquest_complete_detailWow! Finally some peace and quiet! \n\nThe animals should be reappear soon enough. On behalf of all of my people, I would like to express our gratitude. Thank you for your help!
Sys420165_szquest_descUse the [200696|Explosive Powder] to destroy the [<S>110148|Large Mechanical Controller] of the noisy machine and report to [110028|Cornelius] in the Hunters Encampment.
Sys420165_szquest_uncomplete_detailHurry and destroy that infernal machine!