result count: 6

Sys420170_nameNameless Threat
Sys420170_shortnoteKill 12 [<S>100158|Hammertooth Ruffians] in the [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine].
Sys420170_szquest_accept_detailAs far as I understand it, some adventurers accidentally discovered mineral resources in [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine] in the northwest. They also discovered that a group of goblins were living in the mine. According to our understanding, goblins are a shady bunch of creatures that know nothing about cooperation...\n\nHowever, more and more residents have reported that they've been attacked by the goblins for no apparent reason. Now they live in fear... The goblins are posing a big threat to the safety of the people in that area.\n\nIn addition, judging from the seriousness of the destruction they've caused, I am now thinking that they are more than just some simple-minded creatures... Either way, this threat must be stopped as soon as possible... We absolutely cannot allow anyone to threaten the peace of [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley]! \n\nAs head of this village, I am entrusting you with an important task. You must kill [<S>100158|Hammertooth Ruffians] in the [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine] to teach those goblins a lesson, so that they do not dare to harm our people again!
Sys420170_szquest_complete_detailYou've come back! I trust you have taught those scum goblins a good lesson.
Sys420170_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine], kill 20 [<S>100158|Hammertooth Ruffians], and then report to [110035|Tarkun], head of [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall].
Sys420170_szquest_uncomplete_detail[ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine] is in the northwest of [ZONE_RAZORHOUND HILL|Bloodhound Mountain]. Look around carefully and you will find it!