result count: 6

Sys420173_nameTemptation Crystal
Sys420173_shortnoteGo to the [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine] and bring back Kyrm's [200703|Temptation Crystal].
Sys420173_szquest_accept_detailHmm, let me have a look...\n\nFrom the mark on the surface of the necklace, you can tell that some kind of mind-control sorcery has been cast on it!\n\nI remember there is a special mineral called [200703|Temptation Crystal]. If you perform a certain ancient ritual, the owner of the crystal will be able to control whoever wears these necklaces. The goblins in the Rumpus Mine are following [100216|Kyrm Hammertooth], so he must be in possession of the [200703|Temptation Crystal]. \n\nYou must hurry! Eliminate [100216|Kyrm Hammertooth] and bring back the [200703|Temptation Crystal] he is using. Otherwise, the Hammertooth Empire will become a huge threat to Aslan Valley!
Sys420173_szquest_complete_detailWell done! \n\nI will put this [200703|Temptation Crystal] in the hot springs in the middle of the Lake of Eternal Silence. The holy spring waters will dissolve the controlling power that has been cast upon the crystal. Fear not.\n\nYour wisdom and courage has removed this threat to Aslan Valley, and has brought peace once again to the valley's inhabitants. I would like to express our gratitude on behalf of the entire Qilana Tribe! \n\nThe gold ring is a token of our appreciation. Please accept it.
Sys420173_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_THE STIRRING TUNNEL|Rumpus Mine] to bring back the [200703|Temptation Crystal] on [100216|Kyrm Hammertooth], and give it to [110037|Eno], Shaman of [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall].
Sys420173_szquest_uncomplete_detailRemember! You must eliminate [100216|Kyrm Hammertooth] and bring back the [200703|Temptation Crystal] in his possession.