result count: 6

Sys420174_nameAslan Essence
Sys420174_shortnoteGo to [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest] to kill Mature Ents, which are draining the primal power Aslan.
Sys420174_szquest_accept_detailIf you walk along this road to the south for a while, you will come to New Moon Forest... A large number of Ents have migrated to that area... What a disaster! \n\nA legend in our tribe from long ago tells of the strong primal powers of Aslan attracting Ents. These creatures come to absorb this natural essence in New Moon Forest, which makes them become even stronger. However, this in turn affects the power of Besta... I never expected to witness such a thing myself!\n\nAlas... It is a catastrophe for Aslan! I am worried that if this continues, the entire New Moon Forest, even the whole village, will be destroyed by these Ents... Not to mention that Besta is the Holy Mother of our tribe, and she must be protected from harm at all costs...\n\nGo to [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest] and cut down some [<S>100222|Mature Ents]. Then report to the shaman in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall] and ask him if there is some way to protect Besta.
Sys420174_szquest_complete_detailHmm! Good to have you here. I am also worried about the situation in New Moon Forest...\n\nThe Ents are a disaster for this area. I am in need of a capable assistant. Since you have some experience fighting Ents, I hope you will stay and help me!
Sys420174_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest] to kill the [<S>100222|Mature Ents] that are draining Aslan's primal power. Report to [110037|Eno], shaman of [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall], when you are done.
Sys420174_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't underestimate the power of the Ents. Their attacks are just as powerful as other wild animals. Please be careful!