result count: 6

Sys420186_nameGet Back on Schedule
Sys420186_shortnoteHelp [110216|Winsil] seek help from Monks.
Sys420186_szquest_accept_detailI'm currently directing my research towards finding out why the insects near the farm have not been affected by the spreading disease. \n\nBut unfortunately I am far behind schedule, especially with the sampling of the [100398|Sharpwing Dragonfly]. Since they are so aggressive, I have been collecting only dead dragonflies I find for my research. But recently a group that called themselves the Black Blood Caravan have occupied my main sampling site. As a result, the number of the samples I have been able to collect has been reduced significantly. \n\nHmm... You can probably guess at this point that I hope to enlist your aid, right? \n\nTo help me catch up to my schedule, I need some direct samples. Can you help me to kill some [<S>100398|Sharpwing Dragonflies] and bring back some [200780|Sharpwing Dragonfly Fluid] for me?
Sys420186_szquest_complete_detailThank you so much! This way I can get back on schedule!
Sys420186_szquest_descHelp [110050|Yaska] by the riverside in the east of the Plain of Silverspring gather 10 samples of [200780|Sharpwing Dragonfly Fluid].
Sys420186_szquest_uncomplete_detailWith the disease spreading in [ZONE_SILVERSPRING|Silverspring], we need to do this as soon as possible. \n\nI heard that there were some cases of humans becoming infected at [ZONE_DORIANS FARM|Dorian's Farm]. If we do not hurry, this may turn into a huge plague...