result count: 6

Sys420193_nameYaska's Report
Sys420193_shortnoteClean the acidic soil in the fields at [ZONE_DORIANS FARM|Dorian's Farm] and Peerston Farm.
Sys420193_szquest_accept_detailThough I caught up to my schedule, my first report has still been delayed. \n\nAre you going back to [ZONE_PILSTEIN FIELDS|Peerston Farm]? If so, could you deliver the report for me? Just give it to [110216|Winsil]. You know him, don't you?
Sys420193_szquest_complete_detailGreat! [200652|Yaska's Report] has finally arrived! \n\nIt mentions that you helped her obtain some samples so that our research can get back on schedule. We are in your debt for that.
Sys420193_szquest_descGive [200652|Yaska's Report] to [110216|Winsil] at [ZONE_PILSTEIN FIELDS|Peerston Farm].
Sys420193_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt seems [200652|Yaska's Report] has been delayed...