result count: 5

Sys420218_nameChef's Worries
Sys420218_shortnoteWhite, the Head Chef of Varanas, asked you to help gather some cassowary meat for banquet.
Sys420218_szquest_accept_detailThis is a quest from [110173|White]: \n\nThe cook at [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas], [110173|White] needs some [200670|Ostrich Tailbone Meat] for his recipe. Please help gather 10 portions of [200670|Ostrich Tailbone Meat].\n\nRequirement: 10 portions of [200670|Ostrich Tailbone Meat]\n\nPlease return them to [110173|White] when completed.
Sys420218_szquest_complete_detailThis is good meat. You've really saved my neck!\n\nHere is a token of my appreciation. You are truly blessed if you can taste my handiwork.
Sys420218_szquest_descBring 10 portions of [200670|Ostrich Tailbone Meat] to chef [110173|White] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].