result count: 6

Sys420219_nameApprentice's Request
Sys420219_shortnotePete, an apprentice in the Eye of Wisdom, asked you to help gather 12 Funerary Bracelets to be buried with the dead.
Sys420219_szquest_accept_detailI happen to have one thing which I need you adventurer's help. Of course! The reward is ready! \n\nHere is the story. I had a bet with another person. I told him that I was brave enough to go to the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] and bring back a [200672|Funerary Bracelet] as proof that he'd done it. As you know, this is the bracelet tied onto the dead to identify them.\n\nI'm so ashamed, but I can't even go near there without hyperventilating! But I don't want to lose the bet. That's why I want you to bring back a [200672|Funerary Bracelet] for me. Any of the Shadow creatures should have one.\n\nThank you!
Sys420219_szquest_complete_detailYou did it. It is really admirable! Looks like I win the bet!
Sys420219_szquest_descHelp [110174|Pete], apprentice of the Eye of Wisdom by collecting a [200672|Funerary Bracelet] from within the [ZONE_DGN_FORLORN_MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey]. Defeating [100391|Obsessive Shadow] will make it drop.
Sys420219_szquest_uncomplete_detailI have tried entering there myself once. It is really very dangerous there.