result count: 5

Sys420222_nameMissing Hunter
Sys420222_shortnoteBruedin in the Hunters Encampment asked you to help Woorf, his hunting companion who is trapped in the cave.
Sys420222_szquest_accept_detailMy companion [110030|Woorf] is missing. \n\nWe always work together when hunting on Bloodhound Mountain. But I went back to the camp to get a bow and some arrows, I left [110030|Woorf] alone up there. But then I couldn't find him when I went back. I had no choice but to come back to the camp to wait for him to return. \n\nA lot of Anteaters inhabit that area, including their alpha, the [100097|Armored Kasumille], who is very dangerous. I can only hope that [110030|Woorf] does not run into him.\n\nCourageous adventurer, can you please help me find [110030|Woorf], and make sure he is safe?
Sys420222_szquest_complete_detailWow... I'm rich! Whatever you do, don't tell Bruedin about the amazing minerals in this cave! \n\nOh... Did you say that Bruedin is looking for me?
Sys420222_szquest_descLook for signs of [110030|Woorf], the missing hunter on [ZONE_RAZORHOUND HILL|Bloodhound Mountain].