result count: 6

Sys420230_nameGumas' Fate
Sys420230_shortnoteOutiles asked you to recover the corpse of Magister Gumas. He never expected that you have already encountered Magister Gumas, or that he has become a demon. Therefore you must kill the demon Magister Gumas to bring his corpse back.
Sys420230_szquest_accept_detailI had a companion called Gumas, but he went missing. On the day he disappeared, it is said that someone saw him entering the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] alone. \n\nI didn't want to believe it, but over a month has passed now... I am afraid I must face the truth that Gumas died in the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors].\n\nAlthough Gumas can't come home alive now, I still hope I take his body back to the hometown.\n\nI want you to enter the [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] to find [200679|Magister Gumas' Skeleton] for me. This is not something I can do alone.
Sys420230_szquest_complete_detailThis is...Gumas?!\nI have never seen such magic before...The power of demons?\nGumas... What on earth did you find?\nNo, I should say... What on earth did you do?
Sys420230_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] to find [200679|Magister Gumas' Skeleton].
Sys420230_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt seemed Gumas had acted unusually before he disappeared. But I did not expect that he was going to the [ZONE_THE RELIQUARY OF REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] alone. \n\nAlas...Though I hope he still has a slight chance of being alive, but that is almost impossible.