result count: 8

EM_420245_0You do not have the medicine created by [110036|Simone].
EM_420245_1You deeply inhale the gas from the distilling equipment several times.
Sys420245_shortnoteBenah found the clue that [200716|Holy Flower] can get rid of evil, and possibly it is helpful to people who were wounded. Collect 15 [<S>200716|Holy Flowers] and send them to [110036|Simone] in the Qilana Camp.
Sys420245_szquest_accept_detailThat is alright now. \n\nFirst you have to understand that your body got immersed in its magic power when you got close to the [110233|Black Tree]. Some of this magic power will remain in your body, negatively affecting the brain. It can even lead to madness if it gets too serious. \n\nTo prevent this from happening, you must put this medicine prepared with [200716|Holy Flower] in the distillation flask next to me. After distillation, inhale the released gas to neutralize the magic power of the [110233|Black Tree].
Sys420245_szquest_complete_detailOK. I have done all I can. What happens now is out of my control.
Sys420245_szquest_descGo to the Qilana Research Camp, place the [200706|Potion Prepared by Simone] in the distillation flask, inhale the distilled gas, and then report back to [110036|Simone].
Sys420245_szquest_uncomplete_detailActually, you can also avoid the effects of the [110233|Black Tree] by continuously chewing [200716|Holy Flower], just as the Valley Dwarves do. \n\nHowever, we can't get that much [200716|Holy Flower], and it would work too slowly even if we could. That's why I came up with this method.\n\nAlas... I had no choice but to do this research, since there's so many overly-curious adventurers like yourself.