result count: 6

Sys420275_nameFossil Resurrection
Sys420275_shortnote[110242|Atlank] in a cave in Winternight Valley asked you to help him gather some samples of [200732|Fire-eyed Snow Ferret Oil].
Sys420275_szquest_accept_detailAh. Life is constantly throwing up new miracles!\n\nAccording to these documents, the animal encased in ice here could still be alive.\n\nA living wolf walking out of the ancient world! Do you believe me?\n\nIf we can bring this ancient wolf back to life, it will definitely be the biggest breakthrough in the history of paleontology!\n\nHowever, the real problem is the moment that the ice melts, we don't want to damage the body... The article doesn't really help us. Obviously that's because no one has found a complete fossil in ice. Anyway, I have thought of a way...\n\nYou can take part in this historic moment if you help me. I just need some flasks of [200732|Fire-eyed Snow Ferret Oil] from you...
Sys420275_szquest_complete_detailI have everything ready. All that's left now is to free this ancient wolf!
Sys420275_szquest_descCollect some flasks of [200732|Fire-eyed Snow Ferret Oil] and give them to paleontologist [110242|Atlank].
Sys420275_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou can acquire [200732|Fire-eyed Snow Ferret Oil] from the [<S>100369|Fire-eyed Snow Ferrets]. Those red-eyelashed monsters are no different to the [<S>100124|Ystra Snow Ferrets]. They are a little rarer so you may have to spend some time finding them!