result count: 6

Sys420288_shortnote[110257|Shamar] pointed out that Barnave, a goldsmith in Harf Trading Post, might know who could make this kind of false tooth. When you asked Barnave, he admitted that he has made this kind of false tooth before, and it was Karia who asked him to make it.
Sys420288_szquest_accept_detailThis tooth is certainly unique. I also think that this will help us identify the body.\n\nThere is an renowned goldsmith called [110266|Barnave] in [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]. He should be able to tell us who crafted this tooth. Could I ask you to go and talk to him. See if we can get a trail.
Sys420288_szquest_complete_detailHow unexpected!\n\nThis news... I would never of expected...
Sys420288_szquest_descCaptain [110257|Shamar] asks you to go to [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] and ask goldsmith [110266|Barnave] about the false tooth.
Sys420288_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis tooth is very unusual craftsmanship. The metal is soft and if the work wasn't done so well, the engraving had already rubbed off.\n\nIt is extraordinarily strong and stil very decorative. No regular goldsmith would have been able to do this and it would have cost a great deal of money. Therefore, I believe that this could be a really profitable trail for your investigation.