result count: 6

Sys420289_shortnoteAfter gathering the evidence, captain [110257|Shamar] requested that you ask Karia about the tooth. When questioned, Karia admitted that he is not the true Karia. After Karia died from disease on the road, the imposter pretended to be Karia in order to take his property. After obtaining [200691|Karia's Confession], you report back to captain [110257|Shamar] to end the issue.
Sys420289_szquest_accept_detailIf this tooth belonged to Master [110262|Karia], then that would mean he's a body buried in an unmarked grave.\n\nBut what is strange is that Master [110262|Karia] is well and alive in [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post]. Could it be some kind of weird magic?\n\nIn any case, I think you should go and speak to Master [110262|Karia]. He might have an explanation for this tooth.\n\nHowever, if this Master [110262|Karia] has committed a crime and he sees me there, he will get suspicious and won't say anything. Therefore, could I ask you to go alone?
Sys420289_szquest_complete_detailI see. We will need to investigate further to discover whether Master [110262|Karia] really died of an illness.\n\nThat fake [110262|Karia] doesn't enjoy [110262|Karia's] fortune and instead he is tortured every night by his spirit and has suffered much torment.\n\nThe next step is to complete all the formalities. Thank you for your help on behalf of the Order of Dark Glory Harf Sentry Squad.
Sys420289_szquest_descCaptain [110257|Shamar] asks you to go to [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post] and ask [110262|Karia] if there is an explanation for this tooth.
Sys420289_szquest_uncomplete_detailNow that I think about when Master [110262|Karia] returned from his trip he seemed completely different.\n\nOur last step will be to proving our final assumption. Could you help me by going and finding out?