result count: 8

ST_420322_1I am using these to protect the sound absorbing crystal!
ST_420322_2Fine. This will do!
ST_420322_3Please wait a moment.
Sys420322_namePadded Crystal Package
Sys420322_shortnoteTo prevent the Sound Concentrating Crystal from being damaged en route, 10 [<S>200901|Quality Snow Ferret Furs] and 5 packs of [200902|Reindeer Horn Powder] will be needed. Give them to Penalch in Harf Trading Post.
Sys420322_szquest_accept_detailNext we need to take this crystal into the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind]. We want to avoid the wind sound inside the crystal resonating with the wind sounds created in the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind], so we need to make something to protect the crystal.\n\nWe need 10 [<S>200901|Quality Snow Ferret Furs] and 5 portions of [200902|Reindeer Horn Powder] to protect the crystal and stop the outside noise coming in. Please collect these items.
Sys420322_szquest_complete_detailYou got some [<S>200901|Quality Snow Ferret Furs] and [200902|Reindeer Horn Powder]. This should protect the [200900|Wind Sound Crystal] well.
Sys420322_szquest_descTo protect the [200900|Wind Sound Crystal] in the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind], you need 10 [<S>200901|Quality Snow Ferret Furs] and 5 portions of [200902|Reindeer Horn Powder]. Go to the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] collect them and bring them to [110298|Penalch] in [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post].