result count: 5

Sys420326_nameWedding Gift
Sys420326_shortnoteJaro wants to give the legendary Butterfly of Fortune to Nalin, but he cannot leave his post. Help Jaro catch the Ice Butterfly in Foxtrack Cave.
Sys420326_szquest_accept_detail...[110300|Nalin]...Is she going to get married?\n\n...It doesn't matter...It doesn't matter. This is a happy occasion, right? I can't make her happy. I can only offer my happiness... I was going to give this to her myself, but if I did it now, it would only upset her...\n\nDid you know that in the South of the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] there is [ZONE_FOXTRACK HOLE|Foxtrack Cave]? [<S>110735|Ice Crystals] exist in the furthermost frozen depths of [ZONE_FOXTRACK HOLE|Foxtrack Cave]. Apparently these [<S>110735|Ice Crystals] can bring eternal happiness.\n\nHowever, the slightest bit of warmth will make the [<S>110735|Ice Crystals] melt. I have a special [200907|Ice Bottle] here used in <CM> alchemy</CM>. which we can use to transport the crystal. It will protect the crystal for a short time when it's removed from the cave.\n\nGood-hearted adventurer, can you help me? Will you go to [ZONE_FOXTRACK HOLE|Foxtrack Cave], collect an [110735|Ice Crystal] and then take it to [110300|Nalin]? Don't tell her my name. It's best for her...
Sys420326_szquest_complete_detailIs this an [110735|Ice Crystal]?\n\n[110302|Jaro] told me the legend of the [<S>110735|Ice Crystals]. He said that anyone who could collect one would enjoy eternal happiness...\n\n...Thank you...What a wonderful wedding gift. Now I know I'll be happy. Thank you! Thank [110302|Jaro] too...\n\nThis [221223|Sea of Snow Shell Earring] was given to me by [110302|Jaro] when we were young. Now that I have this [110735|Ice Crystal], I'll give you the earrings! The [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] Shells are a symbol of happiness, I hope that you will have a lifetime of joy.
Sys420326_szquest_descHelp [110302|Jaro] complete his wish. Go to depths of [ZONE_FOXTRACK HOLE|Foxtrack Cave] in the south of the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow] and get an [110735|Ice Crystal]. Give it to [110300|Nalin].