result count: 5

Sys420349_nameThe Broken Diary
Sys420349_szquest_accept_detailLast page of the diary: \n\nThe 10th day of the Rain Month, Rune Year 574.\n\nThe battle status doesn't look good, the remaining soldiers probably won't have a chance to get back. People say that when you die, your life flashes before you. Rosa, if this is true, then at least I will be able to see your beautiful face before I die.\n\nThis diary will probably end here. The statue that I asked [110321|Peter] to make should probably be completed! Originally, I wanted to personally give her the items once I returned to Peerston Farm, but now I can only hope that this diary won't be buried underneath the red earth of this battlefield. I hope that someone will find it and bring it back, along with the statue, to my love, Rosa, and tell her that I love her and that I am sorry.
Sys420349_szquest_complete_detailYou said Marse? This is a story from long ago...How did you know about this?
Sys420349_szquest_descGo find [110321|Peter] at [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] and ask him about the statue mentioned in the diary.
Sys420349_szquest_uncomplete_detailStatue? What statue are you talking about? You know that I am a famous craftsman and that many people ask me to make statues. If you don't tell me in detail, I won't know which one you are looking for.