result count: 5

Sys420385_nameBring Me Potions of Potential
Sys420385_szquest_accept_detailVery good! So you want to become a Craftsman Alchemist!\n\nBut [110406|Mary Paraclus] said that many people neglect the foundation of formulating compounds. However, if you want to learn higher level alchemy, you must have a firm foundation. So I only teach those who have the proper understanding and attitude. \n\nI will give you a small test. Make 5 [<S>200424|Potions of Potential] and bring them to me. If you can do this, it means you have a solid foundation.
Sys420385_szquest_complete_detailYeah... Perfect!\nThat's it! Well, I will put in 120% when teaching you alchemy!\n\nLet's get to work!
Sys420385_szquest_descBring 5 [<S>200424|Potions of Potential] to Novice Alchemist Instructor [110386|Ally Paraclus] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas].
Sys420385_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe history of our Paraclus family is longer than that of the Eye of Wisdom! In addition, people in every generation of our family have served as Chairmen of Alchemical Research in the Eye of Wisdom. We also have countless family members that have made huge breakthroughs on their own!\n\nTake my sisters for example. Even though I am a qualified Research Alchemist in the Eye of Wisdom, I am still far below their levels!