result count: 5

Sys420424_nameEnduring Armor
Sys420424_szquest_accept_detailThe following request is from [110691|Locken] in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]: \n\nI need the tough scales of an anteater. If you can help me, please bring me [<S>201119|Anteater Scales]!\n\nRequested: 10 [<S>201119|Anteater Scales]\n\nOnce you have completed this request, please see [110691|Locken].
Sys420424_szquest_complete_detailThank you so much for helping me!\n\nI can make great armor with these scales! Thanks again!
Sys420424_szquest_descCollect 10 [<S>201119|Anteater Scales] and give them to [110691|Locken] in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall].
Sys420424_szquest_uncomplete_detailAnteaters are tough. Be careful!