result count: 5

Sys420442_nameThe Cyclops Menace
Sys420442_szquest_accept_detailReward:\n\nThe [100748|Cyclops Military Engineer] attacks on caravans are increasing day by day. We are looking for adventurers, who are willing to take on the Cyclopes.\n\nIf you bring back 15 [<S>201124|Cyclops Horns] to prove that you killed enough Cyclopes, you can go to the captain [110257|Shamar] of the Order of Dark Glory to claim your reward.
Sys420442_szquest_complete_detailWell done! This is your reward!
Sys420442_szquest_descBring 15 [<S>201124|Cyclops Horns] to Captain [110257|Shamar] in [ZONE_HAROLFE TRADING POST|Harf Trading Post].
Sys420442_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou have seen that reward notice, right?