result count: 5

Sys420486_nameA Beautiful Necklace
Sys420486_szquest_accept_detailI thought I was used to the strange taste of [110057|Gil's] food, but this... this beetle soup was really something, alright.\n\nI mean, who would use beetles as food?\n\nHow could one eat such beautiful creatures? They should be treated as decorations, especially their beautiful eyes. [110057|Gil] would be even more beautiful if she wore a necklace made of them.\n\nIn fact, could you catch some [<S>100146|Beetles] and take out their [<S>201183|Beetle Eyeballs]? I want to make a necklace for [110057|Gil].
Sys420486_szquest_complete_detailThese [<S>201183|Beetle Eyeballs] are as beautiful as I imagined. A necklace made out of these would be far more beautiful than one made with boring pearls.\n\nThanks a lot, adventurer! Here is a small reward for helping me!
Sys420486_szquest_descObtain [<S>201183|Beetle Eyeballs] for [110052|Dell].
Sys420486_szquest_uncomplete_detail[<S>100146|Beetles] are beautiful creatures! We could never eat them...?