result count: 4

Sys420522_nameThe Varanas Auction House
Sys420522_szquest_accept_detailAdventurers with extraordinary skills, such as yourself, are very popular in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] these days. We know that you gather a lot of treasures on your journeys, and our bank offers every adventurer his own personal treasure chest. You can safely deposit your treasure in the bank so you don't have to carry it with you everywhere you go. In addition, for the comfort of adventurers, we have entered into a special agreement with the [111020|House Administration Center], so that everyone can also withdraw and deposit treasure through their housekeeper.\n\nWhile on the subject of treasure, I would suggest that you head over and visit the [110685|Auction House]. You can conduct all kinds of trading there.\n\n[110049|Drosnan], the receptionist at the Auction House, which is opposite the Bank, is my younger brother, and is very trustworthy. If you have time, you should go talk with him so that he can more properly introduce the Auction House to you.
Sys420522_szquest_complete_detailMy brother asked you to come here? It must've been difficult to listen to him babble on and on...
Sys420522_szquest_descTalk with [110049|Drosnan], the receptionist of the [110685|Auction House].