result count: 5

Sys420551_nameAn "Unspeakable" of the Eye of Wisdom
Sys420551_szquest_accept_detailThe secret organization called Zurhidon maintains a low profile, so I pretty much overlooked their existence. But now they have actually attacked the Eye of Wisdom, stealing some very important research items. I can ignore them no longer. \n\nAmong the research items stolen, one was an "Unspeakable." As there is some 'concern' inside the Eye of Wisdom, they are unable to send one of their own to take it back directly. I can only entrust the Adventurers' Guild privately in my name to ask for their help in dealing with this matter.\n\nAccording to our information, those [<S>100066|Zurhidon Disciples] seem to be gathering in the east of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena]. What we need you to do is to take back the [<S>200725|Research Materials], stolen by the Zurhidon.\n\nPlease note that the strength of those [<S>100066|Zurhidon Disciples] is not to be underestimated. You'd best be careful. Make sure you are fully prepared, and don't go recklessly charging in.
Sys420551_szquest_complete_detailI truly admire your skills!\n\n\n\nI'm sure you brought back the stolen research items. But allow me to check, just as a precaution...
Sys420551_szquest_descGo to the east of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena] and find the [<S>100066|Zurhidon Disciples] to get back the [<S>200725|Research Materials] lost by the Eye of Wisdom.
Sys420551_szquest_uncomplete_detailThose [<S>100066|Zurhidon Disciples] seem to be gathering at [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena]. I need your help to take back those research items which were stolen. \n\nPlease note that the strength of those [<S>100066|Zurhidon Disciples] is not be underestimated. You'd best be careful. Make sure you are fully prepared, and don't go recklessly charging in.