result count: 5

Sys420554_nameAltars in the Lake
Sys420554_szquest_accept_detailThe researcher is not missing. He is dead. I buried him in a grave nearby. \n\nHe collapsed in front of my door one night, covered in blood. Why did he come to me? ...Maybe it is because my house was the only one in the village with a lamp still lit, I don't know... \n\nI was unable to treat his wounds, and could only promise him what he asked of me. He said that he had found the source of the abnormal fluctuations of magic power, and that he had buried the evidence under the [110246|Ancient Altar] in the middle of the [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence]. He wanted me to give this evidence to his partner. \n\nBut later, I saw... You see, after I buried him, and was about to head out to fulfill his dying wish, and I saw a... horrible beast, and someone in a long robe, looking for something in New Moon Forest. I just knew they were looking for the dead researcher. \n\nUnfortunately, just as I noticed them, the one in the long robe saw me... And I know I am being watched now. So I need someone to help me, someone who can deal with that horrible beast. That is why I need you.\n\nGo and search the [110246|Ancient Altar] in the [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence]! Find whatever it was the researcher hid there, and give it to the one called [110669|Audy] in the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"]. Please be careful. Whoever is watching me may have already seen you.
Sys420554_szquest_complete_detailSo he is dead...\n\nThe Zurhidon disciple and that huge beast...
Sys420554_szquest_descInvestigate the [110246|Ancient Altar] in the [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence], and then give the [200729|Buried Evidence] to [110669|Audy] in the [ZONE_SCUFLAGER INN|Tavern "The Distillery"].
Sys420554_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you discovered any news about our missing partner?