result count: 5

Sys420559_nameSecret of the Mystic Altar
Sys420559_szquest_accept_detailIt's great that you came to rescue me an' all, but I have to open this chest before I can leave. \n\nIt was made by a man called [100611|Dorlos], you know, using magic. Him and a bunch of other guys claiming to be Zurhidon disciples brought me here. Those Minotaurs outside are jumpy because they all rushed in here. .....hey! How did you get through the barrier those guys set up in the passageway? Forget it, maybe the barrier only works on Minotaurs!\n\nBasically, we need to open this box and then find [100611|Dorlos]. Once we've found him we have to enter the Knowledge of the Ancestors, which is that gigantic hourglass over there......or, to be more precise, in the space created by the hourglass.\n\nI don't know how those Zurhidon guys got into the Knowledge of the Ancestors, but I read a document once which claimed that the keys to entering the Knowledge of the Ancestors is safeguarded by the head of each of clan in [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn]. So we must first get these keys off them before we can know what to do next.
Sys420559_szquest_complete_detailTut tut......tut tut......these flagstones are of immeasurable value to science!
Sys420559_szquest_descFind the keys leading to the Knowledge of the Ancestors on the clan heads in [ZONE_SNOWHORN|Snowhorn].
Sys420559_szquest_uncomplete_detailI remember there are four clan heads here......something or other Huge Horn, so and so Sharp Axe, what'shisname Sand Hoof......and thingumybob Dark Moon......don't think that I don't remember these names! Just getting a chance to investigate these clan names is incredible!