result count: 5

Sys420582_nameGreen-spotted Fungus Investigation
Sys420582_szquest_accept_detailHave you ever seen [<S>100601|Green Spotted Fungi]? They are a unique fungus race here in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley]. \n\nThe fungi are mysterious enough themselves, but the [<S>100601|Green Spotted Fungi] are even more mysterious. What we are most interested in is that, according to the records of [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall], the [<S>100601|Green Spotted Fungi] once flourished in this area. But now there are only a few around the [ZONE_THE CRUMBLING DIG|Derelict Mine] in the north.\n\nI think some kind of environmental change has affected their survival. For research purposes, I have brought some fungus spores from the Hidden Valley to compare with those of the [<S>100601|Green Spotted Fungi]. But they are so rare... I would like to ask you to gather some [<S>200724|Green-spotted Fungus Spores] for me.
Sys420582_szquest_complete_detailWell done! With these spores, I will be able to make comparisons and find out what the differences between the two kinds of fungi are. If we find the root cause behind the severe reduction in [100601|Green Spotted Fungus] numbers, we may be able to understand changes that have previously occurred in Aslan.
Sys420582_szquest_descGather 12 [<S>200724|Green-spotted Fungus Spores] and give them to [110026|Gudisen], a biologist in Qilana Camp.
Sys420582_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you find enough spores, I will give you some money as a reward.