result count: 5

Sys420727_nameGolden Statue Auction
Sys420727_szquest_accept_detailDuring your adventures, have you ever found yourself with heavy items in your backpack that stores don't seem willing to pay much for?\n\nGood news! You can try to sell them at the Auction House. There might be other adventurers in need of that very item, and might be willing to pay a high price. \n\nI put an expensive golden statue on sale at the Auction House. But I don't know how the auction is going. Can you ask [110770|O'shel], the Promoter of the Auction House, for me?\n\nHe is right beside the windmill to the west of the village.\n\n<CS>About the Auction House (1)\nThe Auction House is the place where adventurers can buy and sell items of value. If you're looking to sell something you've come across, or need a particular item, you should visit the Auction House.</CS>
Sys420727_szquest_complete_detailMayor's Golden Statue...\n\nWell... That golden statue is indeed a rare item, but I don't think there is anyone who would want to carry such a heavy thing around with them, so...
Sys420727_szquest_descGo to the area next to the windmill to the west of [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] and find [110770|O'shel], Promoter of the Auction House. Ask him about the auction of the [201464|Mayor's Golden Statue].
Sys420727_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou couldn't find [110770|O'shel]?\n\nHe is right beside the windmill to the west of the village.