result count: 5

Sys420858_nameDissi's Favor
Sys420858_szquest_accept_detailIf we hadn't just fled from [ZONE_DARMAS|Dogamor] to here, then I wouldn't have borrowed the tools from him anyway!\nHe acts like that because he thinks he's done us so many favors. Makes me so mad!\nHere are his tools. It's great that you're taking them. I won't have to see him again then.\nTake this money to him as well. I don't want to owe him anything!
Sys420858_szquest_complete_detailHuh? Who would have thought these animals would understand the favor I did them. \nSo it seems they are not complete savages, don't you think?
Sys420858_szquest_descTake the [202178|Tools Borrowed by Yazmin] and the [202179|Small Bag of Gold Coins], and return them to [111044|Dissi].
Sys420858_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow could you not have finished after being gone so long?