result count: 5

Sys420859_nameDissi's Plan
Sys420859_szquest_accept_detailThere are many gazelles in the west of this camp. I want you to bring back 10 slices of [202180|Gazelle Meat].\nWhy did you ask this? Hmmm. I'm preparing military rations! Military rations, do you understand?\nFrom the look of you, I know you don't understand. Ask fewer questions and take more action. Go quickly!
Sys420859_szquest_complete_detailGood. I'll put this with what the others collected. With this meat we have enough to feed them.
Sys420859_szquest_descKill gazelles and collect 10 slices of [202180|Gazelle Meat]. When you've finished, report to [111044|Dissi].
Sys420859_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't come back to me until you've finished!