result count: 4

Sys420901_nameReport to Instructor of the Fourth Stage
Sys420901_szquest_accept_detailThe next instructor is in the [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp], there are a lot of fierce wild beasts running around every where in the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow]. Be careful!\n\nAnd yes, when you meet the commander, please help me to pass on to him the news about this.
Sys420901_szquest_complete_detailWell this is a guest that is hardly to be seen. Against all expectations someone has actually managed to get to my stage of the training.\n\nHave you heard about this one saying: "The more poisonous, the more beautiful." Hehe, it's just fair that you haven't heard about this, because it's what I have come up with.
Sys420901_szquest_descGo to the fourth instructor [112465|Mary-Ann Lewinsky] on the [ZONE_FIELDS OF SNOW|Sea of Snow].