result count: 7

SC_420918_0I never thought anyone would help a useless guy like me. Thank you, friend.
SC_420918_1Perhaps I can go back and see her...I don't know if she got married or not.
Sys420918_nameKept Promise
Sys420918_szquest_accept_detailYou completed our agreement, so... ([112572|Tankaja Anshing] searches his body.)\n\nTake his IOU! Now we're even! You can take it back to Zunlin Sadi and tell him to stop hiding like a mouse! And...if you want to buy anything special, you can come find me. You're one of the few good customers I've met... Hey! Do you want to borrow some money?
Sys420918_szquest_complete_detailYou did it? Yes...this IOU. I'll never forget signing it!\n\n(Zunlin rips the paper to shreds.)
Sys420918_szquest_descTake [204210|Zunlin's IOU] to [112571|Vagrant] Zunlin.
Sys420918_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo? Was Tankaja willing to cancel my debt?