result count: 5

Sys420947_nameWhat Made the Flame Devils Attack?
Sys420947_szquest_accept_detailHmm...\n\nFlame Devils at the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate]... Not only did they attack my scout, they took the precious Zurhidon experiment data. Obtaining that data was no mean feat...\n\nWhy would Flame Devils attack us and take the data?\n\nYou're very experienced. I'd like to know your opinion on what might have happened.
Sys420947_szquest_complete_detailIndeed. If [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] and the Flame Devils are somehow connected, perhaps we can learn why the Flame Devils attacked.\n\nWho knows, we might learn something extraordinary.
Sys420947_szquest_descDiscuss the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate] Flame Devils with Commanding Officer [113455|Apat] outside [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka].
Sys420947_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease don't hurry off. We need your advice.