result count: 5

Sys420950_nameThe Metal Fragment and the Fire Being
Sys420950_szquest_accept_detail(Looking closely at the metal fragment, you notice finger prints where it has been touched by a Flame Devil. The metal surrounding the finger prints has been melted by a tremendous heat.\n\nWhy would the Flame Devils take the fragment and then just leave it here? Closer inspection may reveal the reason why.)
Sys420950_szquest_complete_detail(It looks like the Flame Devils are guarding the metal fragment.\n\nCould it be they are waiting for someone to come and take the fragment away?)
Sys420950_szquest_descInvestigate the [113470|Strange Metal Fragment] that have appeared at the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate] south of the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains].
Sys420950_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Realistically, there's nothing more you can learn here. However, it does look small enough to carry. Why don't you give it a try?!)