result count: 5

Sys420958_nameThe Missing Pieces
Sys420958_szquest_accept_detailWe Fire Beings have been watching over this guy for a long time, so we know who took his stuff and where they went.\n\nOne extremely powerful object was taken by a particularly nasty Demon. The object is a forbidden rune and definitely isn't his thingamajigga core.\n\nThe other object was taken by a kid called Scarlet Snake from [ZONE_BLOODBOIL OUTPOST|Boiling Blood Outpost] not long ago. He thinks no one knows but we all saw him. If you want to find it, that's definitely the object.\n\nWhy don't you go and get it back!\n\nTake this [205953|Flame Devil Stone]. Once you have the item, crush the stone and the flames will bring you back here to me.\n\nWhen you're ready, just say the word and I'll send you on your way.
Sys420958_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! That's the one.\n\nYou're quite useful. No wonder [113471|Kanya] brought you over.
Sys420958_szquest_descFind the [205950|Guardian Energy Core] in [ZONE_BLOODBOIL OUTPOST|Boiling Blood Outpost], then use the [205953|Flame Devil Stone] to return to [113491|Kelotobeto]. (If you lose the [205953|Flame Devil Stone], you must pass through the lava mouth at the [ZONE_INFERNAL GATE|Infernal Gate] to get back to [113491|Kelotobeto].)
Sys420958_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you lose the [205953|Flame Devil Stone], I'll give you another one out of the goodness of my heart...hang on! If you lose the [205953|Flame Devil Stone], you won't be able to get back in the first place!\n\nI'm very clever, thinking of that!\n\nListen well! If you lose the stone, come back the same way you got here, okay?