result count: 5

Sys420963_nameSpring Water Sample
Sys420963_szquest_accept_detailCan you do me a favor, adventurer?\n\nI am investigating the changes of water quality in the area. Can you collect some midstream samples from the waters nearby? \n\nWalk south along the road in front of you and you will quickly come to a small bridge. There is a small waterfall near the bridge; just collect some water under that waterfall using this [201985|Collection Bottle # 1].
Sys420963_szquest_complete_detailThank you. So Sample #1 is ready.
Sys420963_szquest_descHelp [110026|Gudisen] of Qilana Camp collect a sample of spring water at the waterfall by the bridge nearby using [201985|Collection Bottle # 1].
Sys420963_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe water under the waterfall flows very fast. Unlike the water downstream, the substances in the water have yet to settle.