result count: 5

Sys420967_nameTools of Attraction
Sys420967_szquest_accept_detailI think I have come up with a way to possibly stop the number of Valley Dwarves from increasing! \n\nWalk west and you will fine Lake Qilana. There are many [<S>100571|Aslan Hairy Frogs] by the river there. I will need some frog bodies. But I'm afraid those frogs are no pushovers themselves, so unfortunately I must ask you to help us again!
Sys420967_szquest_complete_detailI am only responsible for soaking these frogs in the medicine... Then I will give these soaked frogs to Ottade.
Sys420967_szquest_descDefeat [<S>100571|Aslan Hairy Frogs] and obtain 12 [<S>201973|Cold Hairy Frog Bodies]. Take them to [110036|Simone].
Sys420967_szquest_uncomplete_detailI am still waiting for you to bring back enough frogs...