result count: 5

Sys420983_nameMage Who did not Return
Sys420983_szquest_accept_detailMy master, [111017|Dreamborn] has recently been entrusted to research the [ZONE_TILEDGN_BLOODY_GALLERY|Bloody Gallery] which appeared in the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey]. But she hasn't come back for days now. I don't know how she is getting on. \n\nYou already know, that... as an apprentice mage, I can't enter such a dangerous place. That is why I am asking you as a favor to enter the [ZONE_TILEDGN_BLOODY_GALLERY|Bloody Gallery] and find out how my master is doing.
Sys420983_szquest_complete_detail[110174|Pete] has asked you to find out how I am doing. What is wrong with this disappointing apprentice of mine? You can't bother others with such small matters! \n\nWhen I go back, I will teach him a good lesson, if I can go back...
Sys420983_szquest_descHelp [110174|Pete], the apprentice mage, and enter the [ZONE_TILEDGN_BLOODY_GALLERY|Bloody Gallery] to find out how mage [111017|Dreamborn] is faring.
Sys420983_szquest_uncomplete_detailHelp me and enter the [ZONE_TILEDGN_BLOODY_GALLERY|Bloody Gallery] to find out how my master is faring.