result count: 7

SC_421033_0Bring me another glass...Brain, Brain Eraser! I am THE MAN!
SC_421033_1I'm...Hic I'm not drunk!
Sys421033_nameBrain Eraser
Sys421033_szquest_accept_detailOur most expensive drink is the Brain Eraser!\n\nEvery hero's heart is full of deep emotions, and the only way to soothe the hero's heart of gold is with our special "Brain Eraser".\n\nYou heard right. The Brain Eraser isn't for just anyone. [<S>206757|Chupura Blood] is a necessary ingredient. Bring back 5 bottles of [<S>206757|Chupura Blood], and you'll get a reward.
Sys421033_szquest_complete_detailThank you for bringing the [<S>206757|Chupura Blood]. Please take your reward!
Sys421033_szquest_descObtain [<S>206757|Chupura Blood] from [<S>103537|Wild Chupuras] and give it to [114419|Rohan Tefugai].
Sys421033_szquest_uncomplete_detailTake the Unanxious Oil that the herbalist made from Unanxious Herb, add liquor so strong it can make you breath fire, plus the necessary [206757|Chupura Blood], and my passion. Yes, this glass of Brain Eraser can comfort a wounded hero...