result count: 5

Sys421136_nameThe Cause of the Dwarf Attacks
Sys421136_szquest_accept_detailI am a biologist. However I prefer that people call me an Ice Dwarf researcher.\n\nBefore the Ice Dwarves started attacking humans, they were considered cute. They lived in harmony with nature. But in the last year they have suddenly become very aggressive, destroying countless villages in [ZONE_DRAGONFANG HILLS|Dragonfang Hills]!\n\nWe know that they did this mostly because we took their natural resources away from them, which of course enraged them. Still, knowing their culture, I can't believe that they would just spontaneously start attacking us like that. I suspect that this has been caused by some kind of physical change.\n\nIt will require sacrificing some of them, but it'll be in the pursuit of truth. Please collect 15 samples of [202331|Ice Dwarf Blood] so I can carry out some simple experiments.
Sys421136_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your help. After better understanding what's going on, we should be able to avoid a lot of conflict between humans and dwarves.
Sys421136_szquest_descHelp the biologist [111121|Jacob] collect 15 samples of [202331|Ice Dwarf Blood].
Sys421136_szquest_uncomplete_detailTo understand the reason for the Ice Dwarf attacks, please help me by collecting 15 samples of [202331|Ice Dwarf Blood]. Then I can do some simple tests.