result count: 5

Sys421149_nameRescue the Captured Guard
Sys421149_szquest_accept_detailYou must help me! I have important information to report!\n\nThe key is being held by the [100819|Kobold Marauders' Leader]. I've been keeping an eye on him; he likes to hang out around the river docks. You should look for him there.
Sys421149_szquest_complete_detailThank you! But I am still so weak...
Sys421149_szquest_descRescue the captured guard. Defeat the [100819|Kobold Marauders' Leader] and get the [202550|Kobold Marauder's Key] from him.
Sys421149_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find the key? It should be on one of those [<S>100819|Kobold Marauders' Leaders].