result count: 10

SC_421183_0Not eligible for quest.
SC_421183_1You already have 20 Essences!
SC_421183_2The horn starts to glow!
SC_421183_3The horn breaks!
SC_421183_4You don't have any high-quality Horn!
Sys421183_nameHuge Horn Essence
Sys421183_szquest_accept_detailThere are a large number of Giant Antler Reindeer on this land, though I don't know why exactly. You can see them here and there along the entire [ZONE_ZAIZOLL PATH|Khazor's Mountain Road] to Khalara, and in the [ZONE_RIMEWOOD VALE|Frostwood Valley] as well. By the heavens, even you think there are a lot of them, right? \nAnyway, their high-quality horns are precious. Possibly someone has already asked you to collect some. But if you take some of the horns and use the equipment I'll give you, you can easily make some Deer Horn Essence out of them.
Sys421183_szquest_complete_detailWell done! No one as young as you has such skills around these parts, I can tell you that!
Sys421183_szquest_desc[111153|Indy] working at [ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST|Khalara Watchtower] hopes you can make 15 samples of [202363|Deer Horn Essence] from the antlers of the [<S>100139|Giant Antler Reindeer].
Sys421183_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou need pay attention to their huge horns. It is said that they can easily puncture even the hardest of armor!