result count: 9

SC_421184_0Not eligible for quest.
SC_421184_1Find someone and then take this doll out!
SC_421184_2This person looks at the doll but shows no reaction.
SC_421184_3You think the doll is very cute.
Sys421184_nameEccentric Researcher
Sys421184_szquest_accept_detailI am impressed by your skill. Will you help us look for one of our members? Trust me, this won't be a wasted effort, as you will gain even stronger powers.\nApparently [ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST|Khalara Watchtower] has been visited by one of our members over the past few days. But he is eccentric and hasn't been in contact with us. We just want to get a sign (actually, a cloth puppet) to him. If you find him then could you show this cloth puppet to him? If you find the right person, he'll definitely give you a reaction. I trust that this small task of finding a person should be no problem for you.
Sys421184_szquest_complete_detail([111230|Anna] winks at you)\nDon't you think this kind of communication is fun?
Sys421184_szquest_desc[111153|Indy] of [ZONE_ZHILARA OUTPOST|Khalara Watchtower] asks you to look for another member.
Sys421184_szquest_uncomplete_detailIs there anything I can help you with?