result count: 6

SC_421263_1You took care of those gnolls! Did Sander send you?\n\nThank you! I can escape on my own now that you've taken care of most of them.
Sys421263_nameThe Captured Scout
Sys421263_szquest_accept_detailThere are always two [111194|Locota] scouts acting together, so I'm sure by now you have guessed that my partner [111192|Shakka Niyesh] has been captured.\n\nNow that you have eliminated their archers on the perimeter, you should be able to get to where [111192|Shakka Niyesh] is imprisoned.\n\nPlease save him as quickly as you can, I'm afraid he may already be...
Sys421263_szquest_complete_detailThis is so great! A huge weight has been lifted from my heart...
Sys421263_szquest_descFind the other Locota scout [111192|Shakka Niyesh]. He was imprisoned in the abandoned human village by the gnolls.
Sys421263_szquest_uncomplete_detailShakka, don't die...