result count: 4

Sys421394_nameThe Order of Dark Glory
Sys421394_szquest_accept_detailWelcome to [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold], Adventurer! After many years of adventuring and exploring, we finally found this place to settle down and for the Order of Dark Glory. However, this land isn't as peaceful as it seems; [ZONE_WIND WILD|Tempest Height] in the north is just waiting for a chance to start a battle! Therefore, we always need a large number of mercenaries to maintain our military force.\n\nPlease help me ask [110316|Rodney] how many mercenaries we currently have, so that I can understand how many soldiers are in the Order of Dark Glory.
Sys421394_szquest_complete_detailThe commander is once again too busy to get away...
Sys421394_szquest_descHelp [110317|Lajos Halka] ask Mercenary Market Administrator [110316|Rodney] about the current number of mercenaries.